Track referrals for leads

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to use the Leads feature to record referrals so you can generate value for your firm. Setting up referral partnerships is a great strategy to generate inquiries for your firm.

Set up referrer contact cards

  1. Select New Contact.

  2. In the new dialogue window, select the Firm/Business/Organization button.

  3. Complete Business/Organization details, including Phone, Email, and Address for automation purposes.

  4. Add staff member contact details, including Mobile and Email for automation purposes.

  5. Scroll down to the end of the window and select Add another staff member if you need to add multiple contacts.
  6. Select Advanced view to enter more information about this contact if needed.
  7. Select Save once done.

Add a referrer contact tag

Adding contact tags allows you to categorize your contact list. You can also leverage tag lists for relationship-building purposes.

  1. Open the referrer contact from your Contacts list.
  2. Select the plus icon to add a tag.

  3. Type in the preferred tag name or select the existing tag from the drop-down menu.
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard to apply the tag.
  5. Click Save.

You can use the Notes section to record partnership details.

Learn more about contact cards and tags.

Adding referrals to a lead

Make sure to capture referral information when you receive enquiries for your firm.

  1. Select New Lead when talking to a prospective client.

  2. Use each line as a prompt for information for the prospective client.

  3. Make sure to ask each prospective client where they heard about the firm. Input the information into Referral Type and Referrer fields.
  4. Select Create Lead at the end of the conversation.

Leverage referral data

Available on Smokeball Prosper+

Firm owners can make decisions based on referral data in Firm Insights.

  1. Select the Firm Insights tab.

  2. Select Lead Insights in the Dashboards heading.

  3. Review the Referrer and Referrer Type visualizations to leverage referral data for business decisions.

Email marketing for referrals

Keep strategic referral partnerships in the loop with Email Marketing.

To set up an Email Marketing list for referrers:

  1. Make sure to set up a Referrer tag with the above instructions.
  2. Select the gear icon and go to Integrations, then select Email Marketing.

  3. Select Add New then choose Tag in the Type column.
  4. Select your Referrer contact tag in the Name column.
  5. Click Save.

Learn more about Email Marketing.

Did You Know 

You can also add Referrers and Referral Types to matter files. Double-click the Info line in the matter to update referral data.

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