Add workflow to a lead

Use workflows to automate tasks related to managing leads.

Create a lead workflow

  1. Select the gear icon on the top-right corner of Smokeball.
  2. Select Workflows from the left menu and then select Add New. blobid0.png
  3. Name the workflow, then select New Task to start building the workflow. 
    • Complete the Name, Due, and Assign to fields.
    • Add a New Lead category to each task to better track all your leads’ tasks. Type the category in the field and press enter to apply it to the task.  blobid2.png
  4. To ensure the workflow shows up for leads, select the change... link next to the Matter Types field and check off all applicable Lead Types. blobid3.png
  5. Select the always apply this Workflow to new Matters checkbox.
  6. Select Save & Close.

Apply a workflow to an existing lead

  1. Open the lead, then select the Tasks tab.
  2. Select Apply Workflow.
  3. Select the lead workflow from the list. blobid6.png
  4. Select Next and then select Done.

Sample Lead Workflow

Below is an example of an estate planning intake workflow:

  • The first step is to send an intake form to be completed by the lead, and it is assigned to a staff member. You could instead assign it to an attorney or a paralegal depending on your firm’s internal processes. blobid7.png
  • The second step is to receive the completed intake form from the lead to be conducted the day the intake form. blobid8.png
  • In the third step, the attorney assigned to the case will perform a conflict check to be conducted when the intake form is received. blobid9.png
  • In the fourth step, the person assisting will make a follow-up phone call or send an email to the client to let them know the results of the conflict check and to affirm their interest in moving forward. blobid10.png
  • The final step is to convert the lead to a matter once the lead is officially retained or to close the lead if they are not retained. blobid11.png
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