Print or export time & fees and expenses from a matter

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

To print time & fees or expenses:

  1. Open a matter in the Smokeball web app.
  2. Select the Time & Fees or Expenses tab.
  3. Select the Print button.
  4. View the preview of the printed file, select your printer from the Destination dropdown menu, and select Print.

To export time & fees and expenses: 

  1. Open a matter in the web app.
  2. Select the Time & Fees or Expenses tab.
  3. Select the CSV button.
  4. Confirm the download by selecting the Report CSV Ready button at the bottom of your web browser.
  5.  The CSV file will be downloaded to your computer and saved to the Downloads folder in Microsoft Windows. You can also open it immediately by selecting the download button linked on the upper right of Google Chrome.


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