Estate Planning Billing Best Practices

If you are using Smokeball to manage your Estate Planning matters, review the best practices below to ensure you can bill your clients efficiently and accurately.

Fixed Fee 

We recommend creating Activity Codes for your fixed-fee estate planning matters. This will reduce the administrative workload caused by manually entering time entries for the services you provide. 

Show or hide non-billable entries

There are several ways to incorporate non-billable entries on your invoices in Smokeball:

  • Toggle show non-billable items on the draft invoice page by selecting the three vertical dots next to Add Entry. The invoice preview will show the billable entries at the top with non-billable entries listed below. This method is useful when you wish to show the client all the work you did. 

  • Toggle non-billable items on all invoices:
    1. Enter Firm Settings. Navigate to Invoice Settings.
    2. Select your Estate Planning template under Template Settings. 
    3. Select the PDF Invoices tab and scroll down to toggle Include non-billable items on invoice.


  • Toggle non-billable items on a per matter basis.
    1. Select Edit Matter
    2. Navigate to Invoice Settings.
    3. Choose your template with your non-billable items setting. 
    4. Select Save Matter.

It is also possible to only show a single line item summary of your work on an invoice. This can also be done by navigating to Invoice Settings and then toggling use single line summary.



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