Send and save emails from a matter

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Smokeball's integration with Outlook is among our software's most important features. When you start an email chain from Smokeball, emails are saved automatically to the appropriate matter.

If you receive an email in Outlook, you can assign the email and any attachments to the appropriate matter.

Once all emails are saved in Smokeball, you can manage, review, and find exactly what you are looking for from the email tab in a matter. In addition, all time spent composing and reviewing emails is automatically tracked in Smokeball.

Note: If you find yourself sending sensitive documents or email messages, the best practice is to use Communicate for secure file sharing and messaging.

Send an email from a Smokeball matter

  1.  From a matter action bar, select the Email button. 
    • Appropriate parties associated with a matter will be available to email.
  2. Once you have included any recipients select Next.
  3. Compose the body of your email and send your email.
    • Attach files and even convert Word files into PDFs with a few simple clicks.

All emails sent and all responses to that email chain will be automatically saved to the appropriate Smokeball Matter with other files.

Choose to filter or use the Email tab of the matter to review emails.

You can manage and review emails from the email tab in a matter. It is very similar to having an individual mailbox for each Matter.

Attach Multiple Matter Documents to an Email from Smokeball 

  1. Select multiple documents in the files section of a matter by holding down the shift or control key and clicking on the documents you want to send. The cumulative size of the attachments cannot exceed 20 MB.  
  2. Right-click on the highlighted documents and mouse over the Send option on the menu. 
  3. Select Email.  
  4. Enter the recipients in the pop-up menu. mceclip0.png

Smokeball will then create a draft email with all your selected attachments.

Save emails from Outlook to Smokeball

To save an individual email/file, search or browse for a matter in the Smokeball toolbar at the bottom of an email. Note: You should reach out to support if the Smokeball toolbar is not appearing in Outlook. 

Right click on an attachment to save the attachment only.

To save multiple emails at the same time, select multiple emails by holding "control" or "shift" on your keyboard.

  1. Right-click and select save to Smokeball
  2. Search or browse and select a matter
  3. Choose which attachments to save
  4. Select OK

Note: Depending on how many emails you are saving and attachments, there may be a delay in all emails appearing in Smokeball.

Any emails saved to a matter will have the Smokeball tag applied to them in Outlook. 

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