Email templates

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Using the Smokeball Word Ribbon, it is possible to send an automated document as the body text of an email.

Although you can choose to send any body of text you are working on as an attachment, this feature is mostly used to create email templates. Once a email template is created in the Forms & Templates library, you can quickly insert the information as body text into an email as an email template.

If you find yourself sending sensitive documents or email messages, the best practice is to use the Client Portal for secure file sharing and messaging. Learn more about the Client Portal.

Create an email template

To generate and send an email template, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Form & Templates button from within the matter.
  2. Select Add a form/letter.
  3. Select Create from a blank document and enter a name for the document under Form/Letter. Details. Note: Do not select a container from the dropdown menu.
  4.  In Microsoft Word, enter a salutation and body text. 
      • Do not include a signature (the template will automatically use your Outlook signature).
      • You can automate the template to include common fields such as Plaintiff, Defendant, etc. in the salutation or body text. You can also incorporate advance automation techniques such as If/Then/Else Statements and Asks depending on your preferences.
  5. Select Save & Close from the Smokeball ribbon in Microsoft Word to save the template to the Form & Templates Library.

Send an email using the template

  1. Select the Form & Templates button from within the matter.
  2. Double-click on the email template you created.
  3. Select the Send button in Word and then select Email.
  4. Choose the appropriate recipients, select the body text toggle, and then select OK.

Smokeball integrates with Outlook to open an email draft with the body text, but you can edit, format, or add information that was not already included in the Word document before selecting Send in Outlook. The email will automatically be saved in the matter. 

Once you send your email, there is no need to save the document itself since it served as your template. Select Close and return to the matter.

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