E-file with InfoTrack

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Smokeball's integration with InfoTrack makes it simple to file court documents, check on the status of acceptance, and see the history of a case docket.

 eFiling is only available to litigation matters in CA, FL, GA, NY, IL, IN, MD, NV, TX, and UT.

How to e-File with InfoTrack

  1. From any litigation matter in an eligible state, select Litigation Services and then select eFiling.
  2. Log in to your InfoTrack account if prompted to do so.
  3. If you are creating a new case to eFile for, select Create Case and follow the prompts from the top down. All details from your Smokeball matter will be available, and you can fill in any additional fields not entered by Smokeball. D
  4. You can directly upload documents from your matter as attachments if necessary It is easy to upload documents from Smokeball. Any Word files can be converted to PDFs for e-filing as well. 
    • Note: InfoTrack will convert the document to the court preferred format (PDF, PDF/A, etc.)


  1. Once you have completed all the required fees, select Validate Fees and then select Submit.
    • One of the biggest benefits of being a Smokeball Client is InfoTrack can pay any fees upfront for e-filing and invoice you monthly for all the fees you accrued.
  2. Alternatively, you can save the new case as a draft and submit it later. If you are e-filing into an already existing case, select your location and search by case number or party name to locate the appropriate case.
  3. When you are ready to file, select View Draft and then select Validate Fees and Submit.


Did You Know

InfoTrack has an optional feature to request a hearing date and time once you e-file.

You will receive confirmation for your e-filing being accepted and any Court Filing that was scheduled.

The stamped e-filed document will automatically be saved into Smokeball. Below is an example of how to review files using File Preview

All InfoTrack orders and fee summaries will be listed on the InfoTrack tab of every matter. 



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