Time in Units

Time is represented as a decimal, which represents a fraction of an hour, on invoices and when entering time. 

With the introduction of different increments besides the standard 6 minute or 15 minute increments, it becomes difficult to enter time as a decimal.

Time in Units will help do the math of converting your time duration into a decimal.

Entering Time in Units

  • When entering time via the Time/Fee entry modal; quick add section; or the right-hand side panel; you now have the option to view your time entries in ‘Units’ as a duration.
  • If you select ‘Units’, enter your time according to your billing increment setting. For example:
    • If you have your billing increment setting set to 1 minute and you want to enter a fee with a duration of 32 minutes. Enter 32.
    • If you have your billing increment setting set to 6 minutes and you want to enter a fee with a duration of 24 minutes. Enter 4.

Time/Fee entry window:

  • After you enter the duration, switching between the Units and Hrs option will convert the fee between the two value types. The Hrs field is now rounded to 5 decimal points for accuracy.
  • Also, use the ‘Time’ field for better insight as to the exact hours and minutes you are entering.

Quick Add

  • Allows you to switch between ‘Fixed | HRS | Units’ when entering time.

Set as Default

  • If you wishes to enter your time in Units, by default, this can be configured in Firm Settings > Staff & Users > Staff > Billing tab.

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