Import data into Smokeball

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to prepare data to be imported into Smokeball Grow or Prosper+ from your current legal software.

This article details each step you need to take to ensure all your current data is moved over to Smokeball, and where our Onboarding Team can step in to assist you.

For some steps, we have also outlined procedures that apply to the most common setups that new firms have. If you have any further questions, contact your Onboarding Specialist.

Step 1: Import Contacts
Smokeball will import your firm's contact list for you. Choose the tab below that applies to your firm:

For LEAP Users For Non-LEAP Users

If your Firm is coming from LEAP, we can work with the exported files from LEAP without the need for you to modify them.

Requirements for contact imports from LEAP:

This report can be located via LEAP Home Page > Menu > Reports > In browser > Matters & Clients > Clients & Cards > Card Details

  • Your Firm will need to export 2-5 separate CSV files: 
    • People Cards
    • Organization/Company Cards
    • Business Cards
    • Government Cards
    • Trust Cards

It is vitally important for these files to be separated.

Once your firm has exported these two CSV files: Send the Excel files to

We expect to have your contacts imported into your firm's Smokeball account within 48 hours.

Step 2: Import Matters

Once the contacts have been uploaded, you will need to recreate your matters in Smokeball.

Creating matters will be quite fast as all your contacts will be ready to go. Just select the matter type and enter any matter-specific information. 

Importing active open matters:

  1. If a matter is due to be completed before you go live in Smokeball, finish it in your current system.
  2. We recommend you prioritise recreating open matters that will be continued in Smokeball. The following fields are the bare minimum required in order to save the matter:
    • Matter Type - Select an area of law
    • Matter Number - Replicate your current matter numbers. 
      • Automatic matter numbering can be enabled after all matters have been entered.
    • Client - create or select an existing client.

Importing closed/archived matters (Optional):

If your firm wishes to bring over information for closed matters, we recommend the following options:

Create a master matter Create all closed matters Save matters externally

Create a General matter with a description of 'Archived 2022' for example.

Then, export a Closed Matter Report from your current system and attach this to the above-created matter in Smokeball.

Once completed, create new folders in the Documents section for each file number, and import your documents into their respective folders.

  • All documents in Smokeball are easily searchable in the Quick Search bar.
  • For Conflict Checks - the contacts have been imported so they will come up in any conflict check. Search for the documents in the Archived matter file for more details.
Step 3: Import Documents

To prepare, download your documents from your current system and save them locally to your PC.

Exporting documents from your current system The exact steps are different depending on the system.
  1. If possible, request a backup of documents.
  2. Use the Export function in your current system to export all documents from each matter and save them to your PC.
Here are the steps to export documents from some common systems:

LEAP Actionstep SILQ

Option 1:

From LEAP you can export 100 documents at a time on a per-matter basis.

Option 2:

A backup of documents can be requested directly from LEAP. We recommend speaking with your account manager at LEAP for this type of request. This can also be requested via our third party Entasker who can perform the extraction of your firms leap data. 

There are two ways to import documents into Smokeball:

  • Drag and drop files from your PC into the Documents section of a matter
  • Clicking the Import button within the matter

Step 4: Import Work-in-Progress (WIP) and Unpaid Invoices

For importing WIP and unpaid invoices, we recommend you follow these steps:

For WIP: Before moving to Smokeball, we recommend you invoice as much WIP as possible on your current system. This not only allows your firms to be paid but will make the move to Smokeball less complicated.

For any WIP remaining that needs to be moved to Smokeball, we advise you to do one of the following options:

Option 1: Summarise outstanding WIP balances Option 2: Create each line of WIP

Summarise and enter only the outstanding balance of the fees and disbursements/expenses separately as a single entry into the matter.

For example, legal fees up until Feb 2023 $1,000.

This removes the manual work of entering every line of WIP.

Retain a statement of WIP that can be attached to the invoice when it is created in Smokeball to show the itemised list.

For unpaid invoices: Enter the Total Fees owing and Total Expenses owing for each matter. Itemised is not required as you can retain the invoice from your previous system.

Entering this in Smokeball allows monitoring of outstanding invoices and somewhere to receipt when it is paid.

Integrating with Xero or MYOB? Please ensure you enter all the  unpaid invoices into Smokeball before turning on the integration. This will prevent duplicate line entries in your data. 


Step 5: Import Trust Balances

We do this with you!

Your Onboarding Specialist will organise a Trust Transition Session, where our Trust Specialists will sit down with you and help you enter the balance held in trust for each matter, as outlined in your current system's Trial Balance reports.

Please attend this session prepared with the following:

  • Matters created in Smokeball with a description.
    • Clients attached to the matters will require a street address on their contact card.
  • Trust Trial Balance Report
  • Trust Bank Reconciliation
  • Trust Account Bank Statement for the month directly before your transition to Smokeball Billing

Once you have all of the above, send the reports and statements to

Step 6: Import Safe Custody Documents

If your firm holds documents in safe custody for your clients and you would like to migrate this to Smokeball, we advise the following:

Using the Safe Custody Register Download a Safe Custody report from your current system

Use Smokeball's Safe Custody register to create packets/documents on each contact card.

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