Version 8.18 Release Notes

Version 8.18 of Smokeball introduces the following features, refinements and bug fixes to the desktop app.

New features

Add custom referral types

Firm Owners can now add and edit custom referral types in the Smokeball desktop app.

To do this:

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings on the top-right corner of the desktop app.
  2. Select Referral Types from the left panel.

Referral types are listed in alphabetical order. Note that you cannot edit or delete the default referral types provided by Smokeball.

From this window, you can:

  • Add a new custom referral type by typing in the name on the Add new field, and selecting Add.
  • Edit a custom referral type by hovering over it and selecting the pencil icon.
  • Delete a custom referral type by hovering over it and selecting the bin icon. This does not permanently delete it from the system.

    • To restore a deleted custom referral type, tick Show deleted referral types, find it from the list and select the restore icon.
    • If a custom referral type is deleted and linked to a lead or matter, it will stay allocated against it but be displayed in grey italics.

You can also access the custom referral types configuration by:

  • Opening the Matter Info in a matter and selecting the gear icon next to the Referral Type drop-down menu.
  • Selecting the gear icon next to the Referral Type drop-down menu when creating a new lead.

Smokeball Marketplace

You can now access our new Integrations Marketplace from the Marketplace tab at the top of the desktop app.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where changes to matter widgets were not being saved and instead were reverting to default settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the workflow pop-up window opened behind a matter window.
  • Fixed an issue where some disbursement report exports were showing the wrong GST amount for GST-inclusive items.
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