Using InfoTrackID to order a VOI for a contact

Learn how to order a Verification of Identity (VOI) for contacts using InfoTrackID.

InfoTrackID is only available to firms with the InfoTrack Integration.

Once you have connected InfoTrack to Smokeball, you can order a VOI by selecting Order VOI next to the contact's name in the Contact Details widget:

Clicking this button will take you directly to the Order your VOI page in InfoTrack to start the VOI process. All Clients who are on Person contact cards will be passed through to InfoTrack, including multiple contacts on one card.


What to expect after ordering a VOI

Once the VOI is complete, the VOI report will be saved to the Smokeball matter in the Documents section. You can view the status of the VOI from the VOI status pill located next to the contact's name:

You can also view the VOI status pill in a contact card or on the Contact widget in the matter:

The VOI status pill will show for contacts in the following matter types:

  • Business
  • Conveyancing
  • Leasing
  • Mortgage 

Once the VOI has reached its renewal date, the Contact Details widget will show a link to Renew VOI. Selecting this link will take you through the renewal process.

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