Default Document Folders


In the document section of a matter, document folders can help you organize and store specific documents. You can even set default folders for different matter types so that new matters will already have the appropriate folders set up.

To create a Default Folder:

  1. Select the gear icon on the top-right corner of Smokeball to access Smokeball Settings.
  2. Select Matter Configuration, then select Add New.
    • If you already have Matter Configuration set up for this matter type, double-click on the matter type instead.
  3. Make sure the Matter Type is correctly listed. To change it, select change... and search for the matter type from the subsequent folders.
  4. Select the Default Document Folders tab.
    • To add a folder, click on Add a folder and enter the folder name.
    • Create a sub-folder under an existing folder by right-clicking on the folder and selecting Add Folder.
  5. Select Save.

Now, when you create a New Matter within this matter type, the Default Folder will already be in the matter.

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