Update Firm Details

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

It is important to keep your Firm details up to date at all times. These details are used to populate precedents and your letterhead with the relevant information. 

To update or review your firm details:

1. Open your Smokeball settings - the first tab that is open should be Firm Details.

2. Review the information entered and make changes where required.

3. At the bottom of the window, enter in your relevant authority Box, Customer and licence numbers to ensure these generate to any relevant forms.

Learn more about box, customer and licence numbers in Smokeball.

4. Click Save.

Note: If you are wanting to update the information in your container this is where you can complete this. If this does not update the information it may be due to your details being saved as a PDF image, please visit the article Amend your Letterhead for instructions on how to resolve this.

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