Customise the Re: line in a matter type

The Re: line in Smokeball can be customised for different matter types. 

To create a default customised Re: Line access the Smokeball Settings. In the settings select Matter Configuration (1), then Add New (2).

  • Note: If you already have Matter Configuration set up for this matter type, double click on the matter type displayed (3) instead of Add New

The system will automatically display the RE:LINES tab (1),   Select a matter (2), select the Matter Type  (3) and OK (4)

Search for the specific fields you require in the Re: Line (1), select Insert to add the field (2), add any additional information as required (3) and Save (4)

To override a matter type Re: Line for a specific matter, select Override in the Matter Details Re: Line dialog box and enter the required information for the Re: Line

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