Add relevant URLs and publish online

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

The purpose of Relevant URLs in Matter Configuration is to provide quick access to sites where you need to upload matter documents but where an API cannot or does not exist yet.

Setting up Relevant URLs

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings, then select Matter Configuration.
  2. Click Add New, or double-click on an existing Matter Type in the list.
  3. Select the Relevant URLS tab. Enter the Name and URL of the website and select Add.
  4. Select Save, then Save again to exit Smokeball Settings.

Using Publish Online

  1. Open a matter under the matter type that was set up in Matter Configuration.
  2. Right-click on the document/s that you wish to upload, then select Publish Online and choose the Relevant URLs.
    • If you right-click on one document and select Publish Online, Smokeball will download the file and copy the local file path to your clipboard for you to upload and publish the document online.
    • If you select multiple documents, right-click and select Publish Online, Smokeball will download the files and copy the local folder path to your clipboard to upload and publish the documents online.
    • In both scenarios above, there is also an option to Publish Online > Open Browser, which opens your default web browser and copies the file or local folder path to your clipboard.
  3. Once you are redirected to the webpage, click upload and paste the location of the document (copied for you previously) into the relevant field on the webpage.
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