Set up Stripe credit card payments

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Smokeball has partnered with Stripe to provide a seamless credit card payment solution on invoices created in Smokeball.

Get paid faster, reduce time spent chasing debtors, and improve cash flow for your firm with Stripe credit card payments.

To get started, set up a Stripe account.

Note that standard Stripe transaction fees apply for both domestic and international credit card transactions.

Before you begin

Ensure you have entered your Trust Account details in Firm Settings.

Ensure you have entered your Operating Bank Account details in Firm Settings.

Connect your Stripe account to Smokeball

  1. Create a Stripe account. If you have an existing Stripe account, a new account will be created for you in Stripe once you connect it to Smokeball. This is normal as the Stripe Connect integration works like this to ensure your existing account is not changed.

    Important Note

    Separate Stripe accounts with separate email addresses must be created for each Trust and Operating account you wish to connect.

  2. Open the Smokeball Web App and select the Settings icon. Then select Firm Settings.
    Firm Settings.png
  3. Select Payment Provider from the left menu, then choose the account to link from the Linked Account Setup section. Follow the prompts to link your Operating Account for invoice payments and Trust Account for trust deposits.
  4. Once successfully connected, you’ll see an Active message:
  5. Under Invoice Payment Options, choose whether you want to:
    • Include a payment link on the invoice
    • Include a “Scan to pay” QR code on the invoice
    • Pass Stripe fees on to your client as an amount on top of the total invoice, or have your firm absorb the fee amount.
      • This option is unavailable for deposits made into trust accounts as per Law Society regulations. The Stripe fee will be added to your client’s payment by default for trust account deposits.

How to record a trust deposit from a credit card

  1. Open a matter file in the Smokeball Web App, and then select the Transactions tab.
  2. If your client wishes to deposit funds over the phone or in person, select Credit Card Deposit.
  3. In the Amount field, enter the total amount the client intends to deposit into Trust.
  4. Stripe fees will then be added on top, and the total to be paid is displayed in the Total amount of charge field.
    • Your firm will not receive or handle the Stripe fees, as Stripe will debit them.
  5. If your client requests to make a deposit themselves, select Credit Card Deposit Request to send them an email with a link to the Stripe credit card portal to make their payment.
    • This option will only display if you've successfully connected your Stripe account to Smokeball.

Once a credit card Trust Deposit is processed in Smokeball or via the Stripe payment portal by your client, a trust account receipt is automatically generated in Smokeball for the matter.

How to record payment into an operating account from a credit card

When you send a PDF invoice to your client, a Pay Now button and QR code (if enabled) will appear under the amount due.


When you send an eInvoice to your client, the Pay Now button will show on the top-right of the screen.


Once your client selects Pay Now or scans the QR code on the invoice, they will be sent to a credit card portal powered by Stripe, and with your brand logo displayed on the top-left corner.

After they enter their card details and select Process, a deposit entry will be created in Smokeball, and payment will be applied to the corresponding invoice.

If part payment is made against multiple invoices, the payment will automatically apply to the oldest invoice first.

How secure are my client’s credit card details?

Credit card details do not go through Smokeball at all – they go directly from your client to Stripe. This ensures the payments are secure and meet all PCI compliance requirements.

Does Stripe accept international credit cards?

Yes, you can record international credit card details by selecting the correct Country from the drop-down menu. The Stripe fee will then be recalculated with the international fee amount.

Smokeball detects if an international card is used when you select a country other than Australia when entering credit card details. In turn, the international transaction fee will be calculated, and the total amount the client pays is now displayed directly above the Process button.

If your client has received a request to pay via the Credit Card Payment Portal, they can also use an international credit card to pay through that portal.

The Pay Now button does not appear on invoices

If your firm has connected the trust account to Stripe but payment options are not showing on the PDF invoice, refer to our troubleshooting guide to identify the reason.

Getting support with Stripe payments

The scope of Smokeball Support extends to resolving issues that occur when using Smokeball to collect or request payments via Stripe. For issues with the payment itself, e.g. funds being withheld by Stripe or issues with Stripe accepting your bank account details, please contact Stripe Support.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more frequently asked questions about the Stripe Integration, refer to our dedicated article on this topic.

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