Disable Access for Users/Former Staff

When a staff member leaves your firm, we want to ensure that your client information entered into Smokeball continues to be secure and not accessible by former staff.

In a matter of a few clicks, you can set a staff member as former staff or disable their access to your Smokeball account.

If you are replacing a user, it is still the best practice to disable access and set them as former staff and create a new user for your new staff.

Tasks, Calendar Events, etc. from the former staff can be manually moved to your new staff.

Disable Access and Set as Former Staff

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings.
  2. Select Staff & Users and double-click on the user whose access you need to disable.
  3. Select the blue Disable Access link in the Edit Staff Member window. Alternatively, you can select the Former Staff checkbox. 
  4. Select Save.

The user will be logged out of Smokeball on their devices and unable to log in.

Once you have created your new user, you can add them to Calendar Events and any Tasks. The disabled user will be removed from Calendar Events and any Tasks for the former staff will be moved to Unassigned and available for reassignment.

Accounting for outstanding invoices/unbilled time of former users

If a former staff member/user had an outstanding invoice or unbilled time, they will not be filterable when viewing or creating invoices. These filters pull from active users. However, you view this information by accessing the Work in Progress report and the Aging Summary report. These reports allow you to filter by former staff. Note: This approach only applies to former staff. It will not work for disabled users. 

Alternatively, you can run the Matters by Billing Type report to audit which matters still list the former staff as the attorney responsible. 

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