Family Matter Tags

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Smokeball allows you to create default matter-specific tags to further categorize and organize your matters. These tags appear across the top of the Matter window and on individual matters on the Smokeball home screen.

Family Law firms use matter tags in a variety of ways. You can set up different sets of matter tags to help further differentiate Pre Decree, Post Decree, Custody, Support & Visitation, etc. Additionally, you can apply an unlimited amount of matter tags to organize your matters or run custom reports.

Family Law Matter Tag Examples

Here are some sample matter tags to implement for Pre Decree Matters:

  • Spousal Support
  • Child Support
  • Custody
  • No Children
  • Property/Escrow
  • High Demand Client
  • OOP (Orders of Protection / Restraining)
  • BK (Bankruptcy)
  • Contested
  • Uncontested
  • Annulment

Most of the above tags can also be useful for other matter types as well. If you are unsure what tags could be useful to your firm, reach out to your Account Manager for additional help.

Once you assign a tag to a matter, it will appear at the top of the matter.


Did You Know

You can organize your matters on the home screen by matter tags using the filter



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