Adding Smokeball as an exception to your antivirus

If you are experiencing issues with updating Smokeball to the newest version, try to add Smokeball as an exception to your computer's antivirus software.

Follow these steps if you encounter the following issues:

  • Unable to open Smokeball after updating or installing
  • Smokeball Outlook and/or Word add-ins failing to start or function after updating or installing
  • Error code AV001

Refer this article to your IT administrator or IT team if your firm's antivirus software is managed by them.

Your computer's antivirus may be blocking Smokeball processes. Ensure that the following file paths have been added as an exception to your antivirus before retrying a Smokeball update:

C:\Program Files\Smokeball
C:\Program Files\Smokeball\binaries\Smokeball TrayIcon.exe
C:\Program Files\Smokeball\binaries\Smokeball.exe
C:\Program Files\Smokeball\binaries\Smokeball.WindowsService.Host.exe

Refer to your antivirus software’s help documentation on adding exceptions. We’ve compiled a list of articles from common antivirus software on how to add exceptions: 

Once you have added Smokeball as an exception, make sure you restart your computer before reattempting to update or open Smokeball.  

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