Using the Smokeball Daily Digest

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

The Daily Digest is the right-hand panel located within the Matters tab in the Smokeball desktop app.

Daily Digest features

Use the Daily Digest to see today's activities, calendar events, phone messages and tasks to easily keep track of matters.


Hide the Daily Digest or its features

To hide specific sections in the Daily Digest, select the arrow icon next to a section to collapse it.


To hide the Daily Digest altogether, select the arrow icon on the bottom-right corner.


Subscribe to Daily Digest emails

To receive your Daily Digest by email every morning:

  1. Select the gear icon on the top-right corner of Smokeball.
  2. Select the Outlook and Notifications tab on the left panel of the Settings window.
  3. Tick Send me a daily summary e-mail every morning. To test this out, select Send now.
  4. Select Save.

Note that these settings only apply to your user profile. 

Did you know

  • Overdue tasks will show up with red text and how many days they are overdue
  • You should receive your daily digest in your email every morning. If you are not receiving it, please contact your Client Success Manager or our Support Team to assist in getting it set up.
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