Document Containers

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Before you start creating your document template, you need to choose a Container type.

Containers are the template type-specific top and/or bottom parts of a document that remain relatively the same whenever you open a new document.

In other words, Containers "contain" a document similar to an automated header and footer. Letterheads and Captions are set up as Containers so you can use them to automate other templates quickly and easily.

Once you set up your Containers, rather than entering address blocks or formatting case captions for every new document you draft, you can focus your attention on the actual body of your documents.

Below in the orange boxes show what can be filled easily from a Container.

  • To add or edit any Document Container, go Smokeball Settings.

  • Double click or right click to modify a Document Container.

  • Select "save & close" to save any changes.

There are several Document Container Types:

Letter Letterhead and your signature block used to create 
Form Court form with a Caption and signature block
Other Used for custom types of Document Containers
Invoice Used if drafting invoices in Word. Note: We do not recommend using this container. The best practice is to create invoices through Smokeball Billing.

Additional Resources

We have also prepared a webinar that you can view for additional document container training outside of our work hours. 

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