Personal Injury - Plaintiff Matter Details

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

In Personal Injury matters, you may have multiple plaintiffs and/or defendants. You also may have clients that you want to keep track of but do not end up representing.

Follow the best practices below on how to enter contacts for Personal Injury matters. 

Multiple Plaintiffs and/or Defendants

Potential Clients


Insurers and Adjusters


Multiple Plaintiffs and/or Defendants

  • When representing multiple plaintiffs or defendants, you may want to create separate matters for each one you represent. Doing so enables you to easily separate out costs per client. You can then use the Related Matters feature to link them. 
  • To add additional parties, right click on plaintiff/defendant and then select Add.

Potential Clients

  • Use the New Lead button to create a Personal Injury Lead
    • Even if you do not take the case, this will allow you to save important details and correspondence that may be used later.
  • Once a client has signed a contingency/fee agreement, you can convert the lead to a matter.
  • If the potential new client does not retain your firm, or if you do not wish to take them on as a client, use the close the lead feature to indicate why the lead was closed.  
  • There are also great reporting options and tracking for leads.


  • When using a Personal Injury – Plaintiff matter, any medical provider or a payor on any invoices from the Medicals Tab will automatically be added as a potential lienholder.

  • You can see the list of all potential Medical Lienholders in the Liens & Balances tab. Checking the box that shows a lien has been asserted will allow you to override the Total Claim amount with the Lien Amount.

Insurers and Adjusters

  • We recommend entering in Insurance companies just as the company without contacts.  There is a separate contact card we have for the Adjuster.  We recommend entering in Adjusters as people with the firm they work for in the care of line of the address.
    • If you need to enter multiple adjusters, right-click on the adjuster field and select Add Adjuster.


  • Keep track of Fact and Expert witnesses in Matter Details of Personal Injury Plaintiff.  There is an automation field you can use to create a table of Fact and Expert witnesses.


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