Reverse or Delete Transactions

Smokeball Bill Smokeball Boost/Grow/Prosper+

You can delete or reverse a payment on an invoice, a trust or operating retainer deposit, or a trust or operating retainer payment.

Reversals can be used when there are has been a check that needs to be returned or you want to be able to show the credit/debit on your ledger.

If you have made a mistake and need to re-enter a transaction, deleting the error may be the better option to choose.

Reverse or Delete a Transaction

  • Under the Accounts View or in the matter file, select the transaction you want to reverse or delete. 
    • Click on the entry you wish to reverse or delete. Reverse and Delete options will be on the bottom left corner of the screen.

  • When you select reverse or delete, you are required to provide a reason for internal accounting purposes.
    • Note: You can not delete or reverse any transfer of funds.


Q: How do I reverse or delete a transaction made with LawPay?

A: If the transaction was processed by LawPay, note that reversing or deleting the transaction in Smokeball will not reverse or delete it in LawPay. You will need to make the reversal or deletion in LawPay itself. 

Q: Can I delete a transfer?

A: Transfers cannot be deleted. A transfer can only be moved back to where it originated from. Both transfers will also still appear in the account summary. 

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