Trust Account Payments and Receipts Cash Book

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Learn how to generate your Trust Account Payments or Receipts Cash Book in Smokeball.

The Cash Book Payments report shows all payments made from your trust accounts, while the Cash Book Receipts report shows deposits into your trust accounts. 

The Trust Account Cash Books can be accessed from the Reports section in the Smokeball Web App.

Generating the Cash Book

Select Cash Book Payments or Cash Book Receipts and select the date ranges and trust accounts to display (if you have multiple). You can also filter transactions by the date they were entered in Smokeball.

Once you have set up your filters, select Generate.

Trust Account Cash Book Payments display the following information:

  • Transaction Date
  • Entered Date
  • Payment Number
  • Paid To (Bank Account)
  • Reason
  • Matter Reference Number
  • Client
  • Matter Type
  • Matter Description
  • Multi Amount
  • Credit/Debit Balance

Below is a sample Trust Account Payments Cash Book:

Trust Account Cash Book Receipts display the following information:

  • Transaction Date
  • Entered Date
  • Receipt Number
  • Form of Funds
  • Received From
  • Reason
  • Matter Reference Number
  • Client
  • Matter Type
  • Matter Description
  • Credit/Debit Balance
  • Banked Amount

Below is a sample Trust Account Receipts Cash Book:


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