Unbilled Time & Disbursements Reports

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Learn how to use the Unbilled Time & Disbursements - Summary and the Unbilled Time & Disbursements - Details reports to identify billable and non-billable time entries that have not been finalised yet.

Unbilled Time & Disbursements - Summary

The Unbilled Time & Disbursement – Summary report provides a summary of unbilled time, fees, and disbursements during a selected time period.


  • The Report Period filter allows you to run the report for either all time or a custom range.
  • The Date From and Date To filters allow you to choose a specific date range (these filters are ignored when the Report Period filter is set to All Time).
  • The Run By and Subtotal By filters give you the ability to run and subtotal the report by a number of different categories:
    • Practice Area
    • Matter Type
    • Person Responsible
    • Introducer
    • Timekeeper
    • Client
    • Matter
    • Billable?
  • Whatever is selected in the Run By filter will be the first column on the report, and whatever is selected in the Subtotal By filter will be the second column on the report.
  • The Show Percentage filter gives you the option to include a percentage column next to each value column (Hours % will be added next to Hours, Fees % will be added next to Fees, etc.). These percentage columns show how much of the total is comprised of the value on a particular row. For example, Timekeeper A’s 90 unbilled hours this month comprise 30% of all unbilled hours this month.

Important Notes

  • Only includes Time, Fee, and Disbursement entries that are currently unbilled.
  • The Date From and Date To filters are only applied to the Time, Fee, and Disbursement dates when the Report Period filter is set to Custom Range.

Unbilled Time & Disbursements - Details

The Unbilled Time & Disbursement – Details report shows unbilled time, fee, and disbursement entries during a selected time period. It includes the date, matter, client, timekeeper, subject, description, entry type, if the entry is on a draft invoice, if it’s billable, if it’s been written off, hours/quantity, rate, and total for all entries.


  • The Report Period filter allows you to run the report for either all time or a custom range.
  • The Date From and Date To filters allow you to choose a specific date range (these filters are ignored when the Report Period filter is set to All Time).
  • The Run By and Subtotal By filters give you the ability to run and subtotal the report by a number of different categories:
    • Practice Area
    • Matter Type
    • Person Responsible
    • Introducer
    • Timekeeper
    • Client
    • Matter
    • Entry Type
    • Billable?
  • The Included Columns filter gives you the power to control which columns are included in the report. The following columns are not included by default but can be added via this filter: Matter Type, Matter Description, Person Responsible, Person Assisting, Introducer, Activity, Task, and Trust Balance.
  • The Timekeeper, Person Responsible, and Introducer filters give you the option to limit the results to specific individuals. The report also has filters for Entry Type, Include Non-billable, Include GST, and Matter Status.
  • The Client Search and Client filters allow you to run the report for a specific client. You can type the name of a client in the Client Search box, and then the Client filter dropdown list will be updated with a list of clients that match your search. Select a client from the dropdown then run the report to see results for that specific client.
  • The Matter Search and Matter filters allow you to run the report for a specific client. You can type the name of a matter in the Matter Search box, and then the Matter filter dropdown list will be updated with a list of matters that match your search. Select a matter from the dropdown then run the report to see results for that specific matter.
  • The Client and Matter filters are connected. If you select a client in the Client filter, the Matter filter will be updated to show all of that client’s matters.

Important Notes

  • Only includes Time, Fee, and Disbursement entries that are currently unbilled.
  • The Date From and Date To filters are only applied to the Time, Fee, and Disbursement dates when the Report Period filter is set to Custom Range.
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