Learn how to use the Unbilled and Unpaid Overview Report to find out how much money you can move from your trust account to your operating account at any given time.
How to access this report
This report is located in the reporting suite of the Smokeball Web App.
To access reports, navigate to the Reports tab in the Smokeball Web App.
This report name is dynamic and is based on the Unbilled and Unpaid filter. If both Unbilled and Unpaid are selected, the title will be "Unbilled and Unpaid Overview." If only one is selected, it will be titled "Unbilled Overview" or "Unpaid Overview" accordingly.
Report Columns | Report Filters |
Important Notes
- Interest is included in unpaid.
- Surcharge is included in unpaid.
- GST is included in unpaid.
- Includes all matters with a trust and/or credit AND an unbilled or unpaid balance unless a filter is selected.
- Unbilled does not include non-billable or write-offs.
- Unbilled amounts on draft invoices includes discounts and surcharges.
- Amounts applied are in the order of Credit and then Trust.