Smokeball Bill - Basic Navigation

Smokeball Bill is a web application that provides everything you need for billing and productivity in one place. Read on to learn about its major features. 

Navigation Basics

The Home Screen gives you access to everything you need:

1. Views Panel: Use these links to see an overview of your Matters, Contacts, Time & Fees, Invoices, Accounts, Reports, and the Smokeball Marketplace.

2. Firm Settings and Support Hub can be accessed from the lower-left corner. Learn more about Firm Settings.

3. Quick Search for matters, leads, contacts, and more.

4. Create New: Add a matter, contact, payment, time/fees, expenses, credit, and trust/operating retainer funds.

5. Create/View Timers: Start time tracking here. Don't forget to enter a subject line and allocate a matter to the time entry. Learn more about the Smokeball Timer.

Smokeball Bill Views


The Smokeball Bill Dashboard is a centralised overview of billable data, recent matters, and invoices. It also includes quick links to matters, invoices, and time/fees. 


The Matters View is where you access all your Matters. 

  • Use the filters to narrow your view by Matter Type, Matter Status, Person Responsible, and Trust Balance.
    • Use the double arrows at the bottom of the filters to expand or contract this menu.
  • Scroll through or search for matter using the search bar. 
  • Searching can be done by client name or matter number.
  • Select any Matter to review it. 
  • Learn more about Matters. 


Use the Contacts View to access all your contacts. 

Select any contact to see additional details, including contact information, matters, all invoices, trust transactions, and individual client payment plans.

Time and Fees

The Time/Fees View allows you to review, edit, or create time, fee, and expense entries for any matter. 

Learn more about creating entries in Smokeball.


Whether you are responsible for creating, editing, and finalising all invoices, or creating drafts for review, the Invoices View is where you can find what you need.

Use the filters to access individual invoices, create invoices in bulk, finalise them in bulk with payments, and send out reminders. 


The Accounts view is where you will manage all your Trust and Operating Account transactions. 


  • Smokeball has the reports you need to manage all aspects of the billing cycle, including trust, invoicing, matter overview, and time/disbursement reports. 
  • All reports include filters to customise your view and can be printed or exported as a PDF or CSV file. 
  • Learn more about Billing Reporting.


Visit the Smokeball Marketplace to integrate Smokeball Bill with specialised apps to take your firm to the next level.

Settings and search overview


  • Select the Settings icon in the lower left corner to access Firm Settings, your Daily Digest Preferences, set up two-factor authentication, or log out.
  • Learn more about Firm Settings.


  • Search for anything in Smokeball Bill by using the client's name or matter number. 
  • As you search, suggested results will appear. Select See all results for a more detailed search that includes contacts, matters, and invoices.
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