Foundations: Essentials

The objective of Foundations: Essentials training is to build on everything you learned in Foundations: Basics and introduce additional features that can take your firm to the next level.

In Foundations: Essentials training you will learn how to:

  • Create Tasks and standardized Workflows to never miss an important to-do
  • Review Activity Tracking
  • Create Time & Expenses for billing
  • Send secure messages and files through Communicate

You will be able to see many benefits of Smokeball after you complete your Basics and Essentials training, but Smokeball has even more to offer. Learn about additional Smokeball features in Going Further training and browse the resources on our Support Hub.

Tasks & Workflows

Utilize tasks to track important to-dos for your firm and use Workflows to organize repetitive tasks across multiple matters.

Activity Tracking Overview


Activity Tracking is like a pedometer that helps you remember everything you are doing throughout the day, including events, tasks, documents, emails, memos, and even matter administration.


Time & Expenses Overview

You can also use Smokeball to create time, fee, and expense entries and generate invoices for these entries in Smokeball Billing.


Communicate Overview

Communicate is Smokeball's secure messaging and file sharing feature. You can use Communicate from within Smokeball Desktop or with the Communicate App.

  • Send messages or files securely to any client or third party.
  • Chat internally with staff or create internal channels.
  • Send text messages.
  • Learn more about Communicate.

Full Smokeball Foundations: Essentials Training

Watch this video for a more in-depth look at Smokeball Essentials.

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